Tuesday, September 22, 2015

An open letter to My Company CEO

We are private sector employees. Apart from that private sector “Software Industry” is somewhat different private sector in Sri Lanka. So I’m writing this letter as a Software Industry employee.

Dear Sir/Madam,

First of all I may thank you to give an opportunity to work a fabulous company. All the employees are very happy to working like this environment. But as a loyal employee of your company I’m writing this letter to explain my feelings about this job.

Software field is challenging hardworking area. Any employee is working on this field need to have proper education, Problem solving skills, and updatable knowledge in the field. As a result of a software field job in Sri Lanka employee have to face and sacrifices Personal & family commitments, tight deadlines, Sleepless nights, Stress + High blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetic.

Normally 75% of the companies do not care about their employees. At least they didn’t get a medical insurance for us.

Most of the IT companies do not care about employees dress. So others would think they are not think smart. Software engineers can wear rubber slippers, t shirts, or even denim trouser with long hair. No one respect IT people. They are executives without white collar job.

In Sri Lanka, most of the private companies have trade unions. All the employees join it. But IT sector is totally different from private sector. They haven’t any chance to join with trade unions. No collective agreements. May be they are doing executive jobs. Software people do not have labour claims. They have to work beyond labour laws.

Initial appointment letter indicates that they offer 8.30 – 5.30 or 9-6 job. But from day one Software people are works late hours without additional pay. This is like garment factory. (But they have over time)

In salary wise everyone says Software field have higher salary. But most of the companies pay lesser salary to the employee. Company quote a higher amount to the client and pays less amount to the employee. (Yes Of course. Otherwise how can they make profits?)

EPF and ETF is in general term in Sri Lanka for Private sector. Some company deduct those things from the salary. But never pay to the Central bank. The main concern of the company is employee should wait until age of 55 to get the benefits and they did not pay it. After 5-10 years’ time company will vanish and there is no- way to get the EPF and ETF.

Job security in software field is in below level. So most of the employees are not work for a company more than 5 years. 

Now I’m in the end of my letter. I raise many concerns from my letter. Software people also consider as human being. They have a life. I’m not asking about the life. I’m not asking about the proper dress for employee. I’m not asking about higher salary or big increments or medical insurance.  And also 9-6 job. Even trade unions.
Just raise 3 things.

  • 1.       Value our effort
  • 2.       Please pay our deducted EPF/ ETF. (At least the deducted amount J ) because that is the only saving for software people’s older life
  • 3.       Pay our salary ON time. People work for salary. People have big dreams at the end of month. Most of the companies vary their salary date.

Thank you

A Loyal employee

Thursday, April 30, 2015


Happiness is like a butterfly. If you follow it, it goes away from you. If you follow faster it will disappear. If you calm and wait, it will come to you. But I don’t know when, where and What time it happens.

You cannot buy happiness. But when you spend lots of money, some time you can grab it. But not for ever, just for the short while.  You cannot catch it. If you catch it, it disappears like bubble.

Just for thought. Nothing Special.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Are Software Engineers, Engineers?

When I was in my university first year first semester, I have a subject called Software Engineering. That was the early beginning of the new millennium and the software industry also growing up at that time.  In that time all the batch mates have a dream about Bachelors of Science Honors degree. After graduating them they have to work in Software Engineering field.

When we are at our primary schools, everyone have a dream ambition about Doctors, Engineers and Accountants. (Hopefully no one has an ambition of being a driver, coconut pluckier, a marketing person on the road or even a businessman.) At least they are not thinking about the secondary level of higher position such as Nurse, Technical Officer, banker or a teacher.

But after higher school they have to change their ambitions. So I choose a Software Engineer profession as my career.

In our first lecture of Software Engineering subject first slide contains with a topic called "What is Software Engineering?" Mrs. Pradahini teaches us what is that. Then the second slide was "Are Software Engineers, Engineers?" . I remembered she teaches us it is yes. We learned lots of logics and apply those into practical level and develop final product to users to increase their efficiency so that's is a part of an engineer, so Software Engineer is actually Engineer. (That's all about theory).

After working in industry, I feel that is true. I feel always I'm an Engineer. Did lots of massive projects. But later I feel that I can believe I'm an Engineer but others cannot.  I will tell you some funny examples (but it's actually not funny) to prove it.

One year back, I attend to an alms which we organize. Before the alms, Buddhist priest talk with me and get some information about me. My name, occupation, day today works, Education level and so on. In that conversation he knows I'm an Engineer and also I'm one of main contributor for the alms. At the end of alms, in his speech he mention all the contributors to the alms. All the doctors, accountants, bankers and businessmen are there. But no Software Engineers. He just mention my name only. Not the profession :)

One day I went to meet a doctor to get medicine for my mother.  So he is asking who am I? so my mother told him my son is an engineer. Then he asks which kind of engineer. So I told him I'm Software Engineer. He says "oh there are lots of Software Engineers are there" and stop talking with me.

I assume doctors think that private universities cannot provide good Software Engineers because at that time they are not "Manufacturing" doctors from private universities.  But now they have a competition too.

One day my friend needs to get his passport and he applies with employer letter to prove his designation as software Engineer. But authorities reject it and set his profession as none. The reason they give to rejection is they doesn't know whether is actually an Engineer. What the hell?

When I was at one of my cousins house, cousin has private tuition. I cannot remember the exact lesson  That tuition master teaches them. But he says for man power hiring Software Engineers are the most less expected infrastructure people.  In that lesson he mention that Software Engineer does not bother about his appearance. They can code 2-3 days without change their clothes. They aren't expected social respect like doctors and other engineers. He told many shameful things about Software Engineers. So I feel so upset about my profession. It's actually not about the profession. Other people's view of my profession.

I know he is telling truth. Software Engineers does not bother about the dress. They are not smart wearing people. They just put a denim and t-shirt as a dress. Not a difference between rascal / robber or School leaver. I'm not insulting any other profession. But I'm weeping about my profession.
When I was a banker 10 years back, Most of the people recognized me as a "Banker".  I was a trainee at that time. But I have gentlemen look. I wear a long sleeve shirt and a tie with matching color combinations. Even I don't have a job, people will recognize me as a gentlemen when I wear like that. But this is not applicable for Software Engineer.

Most of the software engineers does not care about job security. They can start work another place easily when lose his job. So when a software engineer has 5 years experience in his career, at least he works for 3 places for those 5 years.

In this field maximum working expectation is 5 years at a place. If you work more than that in a one place that is your fault. (Most of the time, company will treat you as a time waster.)

in current society people will measure you from your dress. A doctor can identify as his clean suit with a tie and stethoscope. Engineer can identify his suit and his helmet. Mechanic can identify as his trouser and the other equipment. Even nurse or a teacher. But how to identify Software Engineer? An old torn denim with a t-shirt and wearing rubber slippers with a Laptop. May be without combing hair or long hair.

How can we get the respect from others. Think first. I think this is the time to change people's attitude about  SOFTWARE ENGINEERS. 


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Another Nut case found

This is a story about a person. Read the story. May be you cannot imagine, or you cannot think about more. But don’t think this is a fairy tale. If you feel like that, you are wrong. These kinds of stories can happen anywhere in the world. Still you couldn’t believe this, please imagine this has happen in parallel universe. J

One of my friends starts a new job in a software company. He is a senior person. There are few senior persons and more junior persons in that company. Those people recruit for the purpose of foreign project. So the senior people doing team lead role and other ones use as developer role.

One of the junior girl, she has bit experiences other than the other junior developers. She can talk English. (yeh! that’s the only benefit). She doesn’t much experience with development but she needs to show off she knows everything.

This incident happens before they are having primary inauguration programme. My friend and that girl are in the same university. When she knows that fact she wants to know he is from which batch. (She thought he is in junior batch). She asks it in several ways. But my friend doesn’t tell anything about the batch. Actually my friend is supper supper senior batch. When my friend passes out the university after that she enters to that university. J In the inauguration program she realizes that her team lead is my friend. That means he is not in her junior batch.

She got a Laptop from office. That laptop contains Windows 7 as operating system. When she was at university she uses that operating system or Windows XP. But she says “Oh I cannot remember windows 7 functions. Because I’m using windows 8 at my home laptop”. My friend told me that he is starting to use Windows 3.1 and still he can remember those functions after 18 years.

One time she got an opportunity to participate overseas training with her team lead and one team member.  That is just news and it does not confirm to her. That is prestigious opportunity and now she speaks louder in the office too. She thoughts she carried main role in the project that’s why she get this opportunity. Then she is starting to call the management and tell them to confirm the dates. Everyone wonders why it is. Her husband doesn’t allow going alone. That is the main issue. If she is going anywhere (even overseas) always her husband comes with her. She needs to make arrangements to get leave from husband’s office and apply visa to her husband too. My friend told me that in the very first day she came to the office also she came with her husband. Every time she confirms that her husband comes with her even overseas trip.

After few days later, management cannot bear-up this headache. So company is asks to provide her passport copy. She provides it. Then everyone realizes that is her first overseas trip. Everyone got the news very soon and laughs but no one tells her.

Since dates are not confirmed, but she creates lists to buy and packed her bags too. But after one month also the tour is still missing.

After few weeks news came from my friend. On her previous work place friend told to my friend what is the reason.  The reason behind her husband’s participation is her life records are not cleared and there are many notorious cases in her previous places. Lots of complaints are regarding her behaviour. So that’s why he follows her every time.

That is the reality of Miss Bangkok. (Her new nick name)

Friday, March 6, 2015

I know the Subject!!!

Before we went to the school, at home we learn behavior basics at home. How to sit on the chair, How to eat, How to drink and even how to pee without split everywhere. Then we all went to school. In the school we learn lots of subjects like science, mathematics, and many languages, aesthetic subjects and so on. (But no one learn social studies well. Because most of the people does not know what is the society)

In the school also students learn discipline from teachers. How to work together, How to divide work load, how to treat others and how to win and how to bare up lost etc. Finally you got all distinctions and passed examinations.

Then you went to University or Medical College. Start hard life. You learn Calculus or Differentiation of mathematics. You learn rocket science instead of college science.  In medical college you learn patterns. Finding results for specific patterns. (If pattern is like human temperature > 37C, human has indicate vomiting or headache, and those symptoms lasts for more than one day – Yes that is Fever. One anti-biotic one Paracetamol vitamin C for 3 days) If I’m wrong correct me. Some are doing sports, not for university glory. But for their personal.

After your graduation you are about to start work. You went to interviews, talk politely show your talents according to the subject knowledge. No one asks about your attitudes. Your hobbies or behaviors. At least they won’t ask “Do you know how to behave in the office?”

Some times 1% of employers asks this question. Then you reply with a polite answer to get the job. (1% of Employees asks that 99% replies fake answer for get the job)

You will get the job. Then face to the new world. Start with office politics then gossips. Later start ball passing. Start bad habits with gangsters in the office. Divide to small parts and create lots of enemies.  No unity in the office. Had work stress. Start of bigger disaster.

But you still know the Subject.

You forget all the things which you learn at home, in the school or the university. No communication between colleagues. No more team work. No more other stuff.

Then what?

3rd party company needs to develop and train your kind of skills. They charge from us. Those skills already in your blood. But why need to train from another 3rd party?

Keep remember. They will not train your Subject knowledge. They are focusing on your not trained skill.

Keep Remember. You are know the subject. But you don’t train your skills and attitude (which already you have)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Are You Vegetarian?

This is my 3rd Blog post in English. Still I don’t have any comment on my blog. But it has more than 250 views. I don’t know why. There can be following reasons.
  •          All the stories based on my boasting stories. People don’t like those kinds of stories.
  •          People cannot read my English
  •          People like my Sinhala Posts other than the English ones
  •          People hate English (Because we are colonial of them)
  •          People have inferiority complex about my write-ups

Those are the knowing facts for me. I don’t know any others J

But I know one thing very well. Today post is about that. That is If you think out of the box, or make something creative or make something new or make something difference than others people always trying to find a bug of your finding. If they cannot at least they will laugh at you without any reason. 

I’ll tell you few examples which me and my close friends facing.

 One of my friends is a Vegetarian. I met him many occasions especially on Parties. When we all are at the buffet he seeks vegetarian foods. Then the first question will rise.
“Are you a vegetarian?”
The answer is “Yes”. After that there are plenty questions. Now those are by heart for me.
“That means you are not eating Chicken?”
“Fish or Sea food?”
“Even Maldives Fish”
“Do you eat cake?”
“Yes Sometimes!!”
“Ho ho. That means you are not a vegetarian. Eggs are using for making cake. What a cheater!!!”
“No I’m eating only coconut cake”

That is like that. No one will appreciate his policy or commitment. Everyone try to prove he is not a Vegetarian.

This is another example. When we are in the party people are drinking and there are some nonalcoholic people also. Here is the normal conversation between the alcoholic and non-alcoholic as following.
“Why aren't you drinking?”
“I don’t like the smell” or “It is my policy”
“Really!! That means you haven’t drink before”
“Are you drinking Coke?”
“Yes of course!!!”
“Ha ha!!! That means you are not a non-alcoholic person. Coke contains alcohol!!!”

No one appreciate his effort. But everyone trying to prove he is alcoholic.

Think if you bought a Maruti car. And some of your friends saw it.
“Shit!! That is Maruty!!!”
“Less comfortable. Is this car has AC? Can you see the road.?”
“But this has great fuel economy, economically I can buy this. Parts are lesser than other vehicles, I can park this car in small space”
“Hooo!! If you think economical vehicle you can buy a Japanese vehicle. Not a bloody Indian one. See the vehicle color. It doesn’t have that much shine like BMW. People cheating you”
“Yes! If I can buy a BMW, I do. But I have to spend more than 20 Maruties for buy a BMW.  It is ok. By the way where is your vehicle?”
“Mmm actually I don’t have one!!” :D

This is Sri Lankan Reality. That’s why we have idiom called “කතාව දෝලාවෙන් ගමන පයින්

Most of the Sri Lankan has this kind of attitude. Everyone knows this is very bad. But no one stop this. Its mixed up with the jeans. That’s the disaster in future.


Friday, February 13, 2015

Engage with Mobile Phones

Now a day everyone uses one more mobile phones. Most of the phones are “Smart” Phones.  Today I’m going to boast about my phone engagement. Those days (Late 1990’s) the “Mobile phone” is a luxury item for most of them and a Phone with a man considers as a Smart Person because at that time no one have SMART phone. But these days school children also having that equipment. J When I was in Advance Level class, one of my friends took his father’s phone to class. But no one even touches that J

My father uses mobile phones since 1994. But all those are analog brick size ones. At that time we took calls for 30 rupees per minute. My father’s smallest GSM phone is Sony Ericsson T105 which bought from Mobitel (I think that is in year 2000 or 2001). Mobitel change their service in to GSM and my father took that phone. That is very small handy phone.

When my 1st year in university I don’t have phone. When I went a trip with my friends to Mathara, one of my friends took Nokia phone with camera. That is the first ever camera phone I saw. But I’m not using it.

After that when I was in second year, I was hospitalized. After that I came to university I feel I need a phone to convey messages to home. As a quick solution I got a phone from my aunt (that is Motarola T10) which cannot send SMS too. After 2 months back I bought a new phone from Pettah.  That is one and only Nokia phone I use. That is Nokia 1100. My first connection is a Hutch connection.

After that I start working at Commercial Bank. At that time I was a 3rd year student. Then I feel a camera phone is good to me. So again I moved to Sony Ericsson K700i phone. That is very good phone at the time of 2005.

Now I have a job J so decide to change my phone after 1 year. My next choice is Sony Ericsson K750i which consists of 2 Mega Pixel camera. That camera can get crystal clear photos. I thought I can cover a wedding from that camera. (After 9 years, still the phone is working). So apparently my father is my previous phones owner all the time. So I don’t have hesitated to sell my phones. (But my father sells all his phones to others).

So after that I start changing my phones. But all are Sony Ericson ones. Evolution begins from K750i to K800i, K800i to K850i, and K850i to C903.

Then the Android fellows are coming to the market. Then I fall love with them. Sony Ericsson - Xperia X10 Mini, Xperia Mini Pro were my Androids.

As a businessmen (oh yeh. Busy businessman) I need to move for Dual Sims. I did a market research for a best dual SIM phone. At that time Samsung S DuoS is the best one for my pocket. I did that. But finally I learn the fault from that phone. Less RAM, Phone hanging there are more. So decide to have a good dual SIM phone.

Do you remember! I’m Sony Ericson fan. But bow that company is SONY. Sony Xperia C is the better phone for me now.

Technology is moving fast. May be I will change my phone again J

Thanks for reading my phone boasting.   

Friday, January 30, 2015

Start of My Boasting

This is my new blog. But totally English one. I’m not a foreigner to Sri Lanka. But I’m using international language to express my feelings to the world. I have two major concerns about to start this blog.     

  • Last 3-4 years one of my ambitions is to start an “Inigiris” Blog. Normally I write blogs from my native language Sinhala. I’m a blogger since 2006 and start Sinhala blogging from 2009. But still I don’t have an English blog. So I started this. I’m not 100% sudda fellow (White skin person. (Chinese people also have white skin but they are not bother about English Language much)). So my English is broken one. (Still I didn’t go to Tofel or IELTS classes or British Council Course).  The first condition I put my reader is don’t think too much about my English. If you can understand the rough idea then all is well. I’m not going to write any rocket science things and deep feelings like stomach ache in my blogs. If you cannot move with this condition don’t read my blogsJ. But as English knowing fellow, you can correct me at any time (When I’m wrong). Those kind of things are welcome J    

  •   The second reason is I’m middle class man. Still dreaming with upper class ;) and worrying about lower class people. Because of that I like to boast. Ha ha ha. I think you got my point. Boasting is a very prestigious hobby. But when I said it my native language no one cares about me. But I use ENGLISH language everyone will. That is our local people’s attitude. (Not all, but most). My second condition is for the reader, if you are not interested in my boastings; please don’t read my blog further. But as a non-boasting person if you feel my post is so touching with your life!! Of course you can comment for the post.

As my policy I’m not putting any ad-sense things to my posts and not copying posts from others. All the boasting based on my own experience (sometimes my friends’ experiences as well).

So Keep in touch with me. I will boast forever. If you like to read them… Stay with me.